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Order no: 10117408
Publication: Payson Roundup
Start Date: 01/17/2025
Expires: 01/17/2025
19324 1/1/25 Notice of Categorical Exclusion For the Town of Star Valley Star Valley Storage Tank to Resolve PFAS Issue and Restore Capacity Project The Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA) has received a request for financial assistance from the Town of Star Valley for a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund infrastructure project. The purpose of this notice is to inform the public and request comments. WIFA staff analysis concluded that this project qualifies for a CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION following the requirements of A.A.C. R18-15-106, as amended. The proposed project will not impact the environment either by itself or in combination with other projects, and the environmental information provided has met statutory intent of the WIFA’s environmental review requirements. Project Number: DW-054-2025 Project Name: Star Valley Storage Tank to Resolve PFAS Issue and Restore Capacity Project Location: Star Valley, Arizona Project Description: The project includes building a large steel water tank, 30 feet in diameter and 24 feet high, to serve as a backup for the Knolls Water Tank, which currently provides 60% of the town’s water storage but has no redundancy. The new tank will integrate with the existing booster pump station and water lines, ensuring better water flow and reducing risks of outages. WIFA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Alternative formats for the project documentation are available upon request. Inquiries and requests should be directed to Samantha Lemke, Environmental Program Supervisor, at (602) 647-3520 or slemke@azwifa.gov. Additionally, WIFA may be contacted as follows: o Mail: Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona Attn: Samantha Lemke 3300 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1050 Phoenix, AZ 85012 o Email (preferred method): contact@azwifa.gov
